LOVELAND, CO - E.I. Medical Imaging (EIMI) has recently been awarded an honor by the Northern Colorado Business Report in its Mercury 100. This honor is bestowed on companies in Northern Colorado who have shown significant growth in the previous two years. Each flight is determined by annual revenues and are first sorted into 5 flights of 20 companies each based on total amount of annual revenue. EIMI was ranked fourth flight three of companies with 2012 earnings between $2.84M and $5.24M.
E.I. Medical Imaging Awarded Honors In NCBR’s Mercury 100
By Jim Turner on Tue, Jun 04, 2013 @ 02:58 PM
E.I. Medical Imaging Celebrates Accomplishments at Awards Banquet
By Mia Varra on Fri, Jun 25, 2010 @ 11:00 AM