The REVIEW key on your EVO or SA ultrasound is the access point to all your stored images. From this menu, you’ll be able to locate, view, rename, measure, label, and export still frames and video loops that you’ve previously saved. We’ve made this menu as intuitive as possible, but there are a few key points to understand to make it simple to navigate.
Using the Review Key on Your EVO3 or SA2 Ultrasound
By Erika Wierman, DVM on Mon, Aug 12, 2024 @ 11:30 AM
4 Reasons Ultrasound is the Cat’s Meow
By Erika Wierman, DVM on Wed, Sep 28, 2022 @ 09:15 AM
I may be biased, but I think ultrasound is just the coolest tool out there.
Don’t get me wrong—it’s one piece of the larger diagnostic puzzle, and no single modality can be the crystal ball we all wish we had. Thorough physical exams, quality history-taking, appropriate lab work, and other types of imaging contribute to our success as practitioners in honing in on an accurate diagnosis and therefore getting our beloved patients the treatment they deserve.