I’ve been thinking a bit lately about a conversation I have frequently with my colleagues. It’s one that questions the need for and the appropriateness of ultrasound use in a general companion animal practice. I repeatedly hear veterinarians bemoaning the time required to learn to perform ultrasound, the expense of implementing it, and the potential liability in interpreting it. They often tell me that they have a “wonderful traveling radiologist/internist” who comes in at a regular interval to conduct ultrasound exams on their accumulated cases.
Yukon Vet Uses IBEX EVO To Diagnose Canine Patient
By Chas Maloy on Wed, Jun 19, 2019 @ 08:30 AM
Dr. Michelle Oakley, Yukon Vet, uses the IBEX® EVO® in the clinic, too. She is using the C6E probe [multi-frequency transducer, 4-9 MHz, 18 cm depth] to diagnose Barney, her canine patient.
The Benefits of Everyday Ultrasound
By Erika Wierman, DVM on Mon, Mar 11, 2019 @ 03:46 PM
With our next generation EVO® II and FASTVet™, you can be using ultrasound EVERY DAY in your companion animal practice!
With FASTVet™ techniques, you don’t need to be an expert sonographer to assess and monitor your patients. These are standardized, goal-directed exams that any veterinarian can easily learn and implement. Built-in procedural videos provide immediate assistance in performing FASTVet™ protocols. And in emergencies, no other tool offers such unparalleled, exigent diagnostic assistance.