IBEX Portable Ultrasound: Scan a Bovine Umbilical Abscess

By Mia Varra on Fri, Nov 08, 2019 @ 08:54 AM

Attached are some bovine ultrasound scans from an umbilical abscess in a 3 month old beef heifer calf on grass submitted by Dr. Paul Chard, Brush Colorado (Follow Dr Chard on twitter @CattleVet)

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Explaining Ultrasound Images To Your Equine Clients

By Erika Wierman, DVM on Tue, Jul 09, 2019 @ 08:31 AM

Pregnant or not?

As a veterinarian, you’re trained to understand what you see on an ultrasound machine, but your equine client may be baffled by the images. They may not even know what ultrasound imaging actually is or does, or its value as a diagnostic tool. Here are some tips for explaining ultrasound images to horse owners.

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How to Read an Ultrasound Image

By Mia Varra on Tue, Jun 25, 2019 @ 09:21 AM

Updated and re-posted

Have you ever looked at an ultrasound image and wondered what you're looking at? Ever wonder which end is up? When others are discussing bull or heifer, ovarian diagnosis, or metritis treatment are you still looking to decide what is it?

Well, if you feel left in the dark when it comes to ultrasound images…..let’s start back at the basics.

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Ultrasound Basics: How to Read an Ultrasound Image

By Erika Wierman, DVM on Sun, Oct 14, 2018 @ 02:45 PM

Have you ever looked at an ultrasound image and wondered what are you looking at? Ever wonder which end is up? When others are discussing bull or heifer, ovarian diagnosis, or metritis treatment are you still looking to decide what it is?? Well, if you feel left in the dark when it comes to ultrasound images…..let’s start back at the basics.

Ultrasound is a non-invasive, immediate tool used to image tissue. It will not penetrate bone (like an X-Ray). So the first step to help you read the ultrasound image is to be familiar with the anatomy that you are imaging.

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IBEX Ultrasound Used To Examine Calf Lungs

By Dr. Liz Adams on Wed, Mar 09, 2011 @ 03:32 PM

Elizabeth Adams, DMV, scans calves with IBEX PROMy name is Elizabeth Adams and I am a dairy practitioner in the central valley of California. Recently, I was able to use the IBEX PRO portable ultrasound to look at calf lungs for evidence of damage from calfhood pneumonia. In veterinary school, I scanned all of my patients with respiratory symptoms because it is a fast, non-invasive exam that provides a lot of information quickly. With ultrasound I can see healthy lungs, pleural effusion, atelectasis, consolidation and abscessation. 

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