For the last nine years, I’ve been proud to work for E.I. Medical Imaging. I’m proud of the tiny but innovative staff that we employ. I’m proud of our dedication to our customers and our investment in developing new and cutting-edge technologies from our small facility in Colorado. I’m proud that we’ve kept the vast majority of our design and manufacturing in the U.S. when it would have been so much easier to outsource everything. I’m proud of the name that we’ve made for ourselves by responding to our customers’ needs over our 30-some years in the veterinary ultrasound industry.
But today, while we as a global community face a new challenge in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to take a minute and let you know how proud we are of you. Our customer base is made up of animal health experts whose expertise serves us all during this crisis, and many of you are working tirelessly to mitigate the effects of the virus while much of the world retreats into a necessary hibernation.