Dr. Michelle Oakley, Yukon Vet, uses the IBEX® EVO® in the clinic, too. She is using the C6E probe [multi-frequency transducer, 4-9 MHz, 18 cm depth] to diagnose Barney, her canine patient.
Yukon Vet Uses IBEX EVO To Diagnose Canine Patient
By Chas Maloy on Wed, Jun 19, 2019 @ 08:30 AM
The Benefits of Everyday Ultrasound
By Erika Wierman, DVM on Mon, Mar 11, 2019 @ 03:46 PM
With our next generation EVO® II and FASTVet™, you can be using ultrasound EVERY DAY in your companion animal practice!
With FASTVet™ techniques, you don’t need to be an expert sonographer to assess and monitor your patients. These are standardized, goal-directed exams that any veterinarian can easily learn and implement. Built-in procedural videos provide immediate assistance in performing FASTVet™ protocols. And in emergencies, no other tool offers such unparalleled, exigent diagnostic assistance.