Three Methods to Improve Broodmare Ultrasound

By Erika Wierman, DVM on Sat, Apr 09, 2022 @ 02:55 PM


1...Obtain the best image possible
Take the time to completely evacuate the rectum, and use plenty of lube for contact. If your ultrasound system provides variable frequency transducers, remember to operate at the highest frequency that still allows you enough depth to visualize all the pertinent structures; this will optimize the resolution of your image! You’ll acquire a higher quality (and larger!) ovary image scanning at 6cm than you will at 12cm. In addition, become familiar with your equipment; experiment with gain, contrast, and persistence in order to achieve the image that you desire.

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How Does Ultrasound Work?

By Erika Wierman, DVM on Tue, Dec 11, 2018 @ 02:58 PM

If you’re new to ultrasound, an image may look like nothing more than a swirling array of grey tones on the screen.  Interpretation requires an understanding of anatomy and physiology, but also of how ultrasound technology functions.

Consider the sonar produced by a bat in flight. The bat emits high frequency sounds, which then bounce off of objects in its proximity and return to the bat. The animal uses the strength, direction, and timing of the returning sound to determine where those objects are and to avoid a collision.

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