Using the Review Key on Your EVO3 or SA2 Ultrasound

Mon, Aug 12, 2024 @ 11:30 AM Erika Wierman, DVM

EVO3+SA2-keyboards-V2The REVIEW key on your EVO or SA ultrasound is the access point to all your stored images. From this menu, you’ll be able to locate, view, rename, measure, label, and export still frames and video loops that you’ve previously saved. We’ve made this menu as intuitive as possible, but there are a few key points to understand to make it simple to navigate.

  • When you press the REVIEW key, you will enter the review menu in your current or most recent exam folder. To understand the format of this menu most easily, select UP DIR (up directory) from the menu items at the bottom of the screen or press the corresponding function key. This is akin to using the back arrow key on your PC file explorer that moves you up a folder level. At the root menu of the internal memory, you will see two main folders—Patients and Unassigned.
    • The Patients folder contains subfolders for each individual patient, and each of those in turn contains dated subfolders for each exam. These dated folders contain the individual study images from that exam—both still images and video clips
    • The Unassigned folder contains dated subfolders from each time the ultrasound was powered on and images were stored without a patient selected or created from the Patient menu
  • Each time you double-tap (or highlight and press SELECT) on a folder level, that folder moves to the left-hand column and the folders or files within it open on the right. At the image level, a preview of the image is seen in the right-hand column. This can help you to locate the images you’re searching for. Images named ending in the .jpg file extension are still frames, and those ending in .mp4 are video files
  • At any level, highlighting folders or files makes options available along the bottom of the screen. These include renaming, exporting, and deleting files.
    • Load brings the image up to full screen. From here you can measure, label, and annotate if you did not have the opportunity to do so during the exam. You can even load a stored video loop, freeze, and scrub through the frames with the left and right arrow keys, measure/label/annotate, and then save that still image from within the video. *Note that this image will be stored in a new folder with the current time and date stamp, although it will still be found under the original patient if one was assigned to the original images*
    • There is a Report option that allows you to write notes to accompany the collection of images within a folder. For this option to be available, you must have that patient currently selected and be in an active exam
  • In addition to the internal flash storage, the Review menu can be used to browse any images stored on USB drives that are plugged into the unit. These drives will be visible at the top of the Review menu when applicable. Images within any of these drives and folders can be sorted by name or date and searched with the “Search” option at the bottom of the screen.

A note on exportation of studies—while patients, folders, and images can be individually exported through the review menu, a handy shortcut exists as well.

  • From the main scanning screen, use your trackpad to click on the USB icon in the lower right of the screen (to the left of the Bluetooth and Wifi icons; it turns green when at least one thumb drive is inserted). This will bring up a USB menu
  • This menu offers you several options including backing up your system, restoring from a previous backup, or wiping the internal memory of your ultrasound
  • Select the first option, Export Files
  • This will take you back into the review menu, but now files at all levels have a checkbox next to them. Select all items you wish to export (press UP DIR until you get to the root menu and check Patients and Unassigned if you want to export all images). In this menu you can also choose to export in DICOM format rather than the default .jpg/.mp4 if you plan to send studies to a referral specialist or upload them to a PACS server. Note that specific software is required to view DICOM images, so if you wish to view the images on your computer, email them to clients, etc, you will want to export in standard format.

Reassigning images

In recent EVO III and SA2 firmware iterations, unassigned images can be reassigned to a patient. This is currently done within the Patient menu, not the Review menu. When pressing the Patient key and locating/highlighting the patient of interest, you will find two buttons at the bottom of the patient search—

  • add files to patient lets you move or copy files from the Unassigned folder in the Review menu into the selected patient folder. This is most relevant when you have either forgotten to select or create a patient before the exam, or in emergent situations where you may not have had time to do so.
  • move patient to patient moves folders or images from one patient to another. This is relevant if you performed two exams in a row but forgot to end the first and choose a new patient for the second.

The Patient and Review menus are closely related and extremely beneficial for anyone with the need to store, send, compare, or catalog images. Monitoring the healing of a tendon injury over successive exams, working with referral specialists, banking images for a research project, or testing your fetal sexing skills by saving and labeling images with your findings (to check back on after birth) are all examples of reasons to get comfortable with saving still and video images from your exams.

For more information or to arrange a free demo, call us at 1.866.365.6596 or go to and complete the form.


Dr. Wierman is Staff VeterinarianErika+Joey
and Director of Education for

E.I. Medical Imaging.

Follow Dr. Wierman on
Instagram @Dr.Wierman


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